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تسمه ترمز دار جمع شونده Steelpro Safety مدل SIOUX 2.5 m

برند: استیل پرو سیفتی | Steelpro Safety

دسته بندی: ابزارهای توقف سقوط متحرک

مدل: ابزار جلوگیری از سقوط کشویی متحرک استیل پرو سیفتی - سیوکس | 1888-DAR2.5/C

استانداردها: EN355, EN360

قیمت: 1,750,000 تومان

Device mod. 'SIOUX'. Mini-block retractable lifeline.

  • Characteristics: Retractable anti-fall device with 2.5 metre band and energy absorber
  • The device has a blocking, tension and recoil system to which the worker stays attached if the device detects a fall during work, and
  • automatically recoils once it remains loose.
  • The casing model, protects the mechanism against blows and the worker in the event of collision with the mechanism.
  • Maximum overall length of 2.5 meters.
  • To adapt to connectors that comply with EN362 (not included).

as a retractable anti-fall element, preventing the blocking of the band, detecting a fall if this winds up happening. (Distance of 2 meters).

Device mod. 'SIOUX'. Mini-block retractable lifeline.

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